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Erica Synths - Black Polivoks System (Eurorack)

  • HP:

Erica Synths Black Polivoks System is a Polivoks-inspired 84HP two-VCO modular system with 55 patch points that go well beyond... Read more Read more



      Erica Synths Black Polivoks System is a Polivoks-inspired 84HP two-VCO modular system with 55 patch points that go well beyond classical monosynths.

      This system has full analogue design, powerful VCOs with suboscillaotrs, versatile modulation sources and signature Polivoks filter makes Black Polivoks System great production and live performance tool with a sound that definitely stands out.

      The Erica Synths Black Polivoks System includes:

      Versatile MIDI-CV module that emulates classical monophonic and duophonic synth behaviour and and has nice bonus features – clock output, configurable modulation output and analogue glide

      The Balck Modulator V2 - fully analogue modulation and noise source. It consists of LFO/audio frequency oscillator with three simultaneous waveform outputs, Zener diode-based noise generator with three noise flavours and clockable S&H circuit.

      The Black VCO2 - analogue VCO with four simultaneous waveform outputs and one octave down suboscillator. The core of the VCO is borrowed from famous Russian synth Polivoks VCO and in exponential converter we use the original matched transistor IC that was used in Polivoks.

      The Black Polivoks VCF - one of the most authentic sounding emulations of the famous Polivoks synth. The original Russian ICs K140UD12 are used in the sound circuit and you get punchy bass sound and very smooth controls.   

      Black Envelope Generator - compact, full analogue envelope generator with gated loop and gate delay for nice acid basslines and very slow drones.

      The Black VCA - unique design, hi-fi level VCA with improved attenuation and CV reject levels, and bias control for great tremolo effects. Smooth fading between linear and logarithmic response allows you to create versatile percussion sounds while LED bargraph gives visual feedback on the output level.

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