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Sputnik Modular - Variable Waveform Generator

  • HP: 18

Sputnik Modular - Variable Waveform Generator   the sputnik variable waveform generator is a buchla inspired discrete triangle core oscillator.... Read more Read more



      Sputnik Modular - Variable Waveform Generator


      the sputnik variable waveform generator is a buchla inspired discrete triangle core oscillator. one major change is the inclusion of a hard sync vs. the typical triangle core soft sync. the module features 5 dedicated audio outputs (sub, pulse, sine, saw and triangle) and various animation controls such as built-in waveshaper, saw animator and drive circuits with attenuation amount inputs. it also has a vco/lfo switch, both linear and exponential fm inputs with attenuators and very good tracking.

      slider controls the level of wave-folding. outputs a standard sine wave when slider is down, full effect when all the way up.
      sym: 98-99% symmetrical wave folding.
      asym: increased asymmetrical wave folding as the effect level is increased.

      sine wave fold cv:
      positive cv increases the effect.
      negative cv will duck the sine in a very exponential manner when the slider is low. audio rate ducking produces a pseudo ring modulation effect.
      the slider behaves as an offset for cv and an attenuator is provided.

      slider controls the position of additional saw waves for an animation effect.
      double: a double sawtooth wave. max levels can exceed 16vpp.
      center position: no animation, just sawtooth.
      triple: a triple sawtooth wave. max levels can exceed 19vpp.

      sawtooth animate cv:
      slider behaves as an offset; any cv level can be used. cv attenuator provided.

      slider controls the overdrive. outputs standard triangle when the slider is down, full effect when all the way up.
      odd: typical soft saturation overdrive on top and bottom peaks.
      even: an asymmetrical soft saturation overdrive-increases width and drive of the top side while decreasing the width and overdriving the lower substantially less, producing more even harmonics.

      triangle drive cv:
      positive cv increases the effect.
      negative cv will duck the triangle in a very exponential manner when the slider is low. audio rate ducking produces a pseudo ring modulation effect.
      the slider behaves as an offset for cv and an attenuator is provided.

      slider controls the pulse width. center position produces a 50/50 pulse.
      edge: standard pwm between upper and lower wave cycles. approximately 10/90% duty cycle with slider.
      center: pwm between rising and falling edges of the pulse. approximately 10/90% duty cycle with slider.

      pwm cv:
      edge: positive cv increases top side duty, negative cv increases bottom side duty.
      center: positive and negative cv have same effect on top and bottom side duty reduction.
      higher cv levels or cv + slider offset can increase/decrease the duty cycle to 100/0% for a gated vca effect.

      -1 or -2 octave pulse.

      vco/lfo mode:
      linear fm: ac coupled with attenuator.
      exponential fm: dc coupled with attenuator.
      v/oct tracking fm.
      coarse and fine tune controls.
      sync: hard sync, works with any waveform for varied effects.


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